I am an electrical engineer, and I obtained my doctorate at USP in 2012. I currently work at X-Laboratory developing vision-based motion control applications. See my resume for more information.
Main research interests: computer vision, mobile robotics, pattern recognition, machine learning, signal processing, optimization and computation in general.
A few selected publications:
ChipSort: a SIMD and cache-aware sorting module (video) (2019) Nicolau Leal Werneck. JuliaCon, USA. Paper:
Corisco: Robust edgel-based orientation estimation for generic camera models (2013) Nicolau Leal Werneck and Anna Helena Reali Costa. Image and Vision Computing 31(12), pp. 969–-981.
Mapping with monocular vision in two dimensions (2010) Nicolau Leal Werneck and Anna Helena Reali Costa. International Journal of Natural Computing Research 1(4), pp. 56–65.
Speeding up probabilistic inference of camera orientation by function approximation and grid masking (2011) Nicolau Leal Werneck and Anna Helena Reali Costa. 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision - WSCG’2011. WSCG2011 Communication proceedings.
Monocular visual mapping with the Fast Hough Transform (2010) Nicolau Leal Werneck and Anna Helena Reali Costa. Anais do VI Workshop de Visão Computacional, ISSN: 2175-6120.
I try to make all my work available in this webpage, but it is usually outdated. If you wish to contact me, please send an email to DrNic@use.startmail.com.